What is the age of Arjuna, in a group of Yudhisthira, Bheema, Arjuna, Nakula and Sehdeva whose average age is 45 years?
Statement I: Average of the age of Nakula and Sehdeva is 47 years.
Statement II: Average of the age of Yudhisthira and Bheema is 53 years.
From statement I and II: Yudhisthira, Bheema, Arjuna, Nakula + Sehdeva = 5 × 45 = 225 ….. (1) Yudhisthira and Bheema = 106 years ……… (2) Nakula and Sehdeva = 94 years …….. (3) From (1), (2) and (3), we get We get the age of Arjuna.
What is the code for ‘spread you’ in the given code language?
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In a certain code language, ‘INVITATION’ is coded as ‘JMWHUZUHPM’. How will ‘RECESSION’ be written in that language?
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In a certain code language
“given words are arranged” is written as “lo so pa na”,
“letters are similar” is written as “ch f...
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