As per Transfer of Property act, 1882- S. 64. Renewal of mortgaged lease. —Where the mortgaged property is a lease and the mortgagee obtains a renewal of the lease, the mortgagor, upon redemption, shall, in the absence of a contract by him to the contrary, have the benefit of the new lease.
Which state/UT’s tableau won the best tableau award for Republic Day 2023?
An increase of 1% per annum in the growth rate of the money supply will increase inflation by:
Which of the following is not a money market instrument?
What is the minimum maturity period for which Commercial Paper (CP) can be issued?
Which example best represents the organized sector?
In the acronym CAGR, what does the letter ‘C’ stand for?
In what year was the Bombay Plan, advocating for economic planning in India, put forward?
_____________ launched the e-Sawaari India Electric Bus Coalition, in partnership with Convergence Energy Service Limited (CESL) and World Resources Ins...
Which of the following institutions have wrote the book ‘Healthy Recipes for Defence’?
Who is the author of the recently released “MODI@20: Dreams Meet Delivery” book?