Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K Palanichamy received UNESCO Award of Merit awarded to the iconic Srirangam Ranganathaswamy temple in Tiruchirapalli. The award of merit was awarded by UNESCO Asia Pacific region for the reconstruction activities undertaken in temple without in least affecting its tradition and rituals.
Video transmission over the Internet that looks like delayed live casting is called :
What is the fourth layer in the OSI model?
If you want to connect to your own computer through the Internet from another location, you can use
The register is a type of ___________
Changing an existing document is called _____ the document.
In computer terminology, ‘CAD’ stands for
What is the purpose of the memory bus in a computer system?
Who is known as the first programmer in the world?
Each character on the keyboard of computer has an ASCII value which stands for
_______ selects, interprets and executes instruction in CPU