The Maharashtra Lokayukta is the body overseeing corruption in various agencies in the Government of Maharashtra in India. Established in 1971, it is the first ever Lokayukta of all States of India. It was established through the Maharashtra Lokayukta and Upa-Lokayuktas Act, 1971.
. __________ is the bit-rate of available or consumed information capacity expressed typically in metric multiples of bits per second
__________ is the main circuit board of a computer.
Which of the following command is used to restart the computer?
Which one does not allow Execution due to any waiting event?
Which of the following is used to open a web page?
Who is the founder of Oracle corporation?
_______ is the execution of data in a short time period, providing near-instantaneous output
A megabyte is equal to _______ bytes.
What organization markets the DIDO software?
CDs is which type of device?