A negative beta coefficient does not necessarily mean absence of risk. A negative beta correlation would mean an investment that moves in the opposite direction from the stock market. When the market rises, then a negative-beta investment generally falls. When the market falls, then the negative-beta investment will tend to rise. This is generally true of gold stocks and gold bullion. Because gold is seen as a more secure store of value than currency, a market crash prompts investors to sell their stocks and either move into cash (for zero beta) or buy gold (for negative beta). An investment with zero beta means no volatility and no risk.
Profit percentage received on a product when sold for Rs.550 is equal to the percentage loss incurred when the same product is sold for Rs.420. Find the...
Anita tried her hands on selling a cake that she had baked. She sold half of her cake at 20% profit, but seeing that cake would perish soon, sold half o...
Aaarav makes a profit of Rs. 122 if he sells a certain number of erasers he has at the price of Rs. 8 per eraser and incurs a loss of Rs. 25, if he sel...
A Company allow 8% commission on the total sales to its salesman but if the salesman is appointed on a fix salary of Rs. 5000 and 6% commission on the s...
Ram bought a bag for Rs. 900. He spent Rs. 232 on repairs and sold it at gain of 12.5%. Find the selling price of the bag.
If the selling price and cost price of a book is Rs. 440 and Rs. 320, then find the profit percentage in this transaction.
A debtor can pay 78 paise in the rupee, but if his creditors would take 25% of his debts, he could pay them and have Rs 48 left. His debts and assets r...
The cost price of two dozen bananas is Rs. 48 after selling 18 bananas at the rate of Rs. 18 per dozen, the shopkeeper reduced to rate of Rs. 12 per doz...
Profit percentage received on a product when sold for Rs.550 is equal to the percentage loss incurred when the same product is sold for Rs.380. Find the...
A man lost 15% by selling a mobile for Rs.4,675. What will be his gain percentage by selling it for Rs.6,050?