Humayun died in 1556 AD due to falling from the stairs in his library named Sheramandal/ Deenpanah made by him.
Determine the highest common factor (HCF) of the numbers 75, 125, and 300.
What should be the minimum number of chocolates so that when distributed among 3,4,5,6 and 7 children, 1,2,3,4 and 5 chocolates are left respectively?
Find the HCF of 798 and 525.
The ratio of two numbers is 5: 8 and their LCM is 320. What is the difference between these two numbers?
The H.C.F of two numbers is 8 and their L.C.M is 136. If one of the numbers is 64, find the other?
The HCF of two numbers is 12. Which one of the following can never be their LCM?
HCF of two numbers 64 and 96 can be expressed in the form of (20m – 108) whereas LCM of these two numbers can be expressed in the form of (60n – 18)...
The HCF and LCM of two natural numbers are 14 and 66, respectively. What is the difference between the two numbers, if one of the numbers is 28?
HCF of two numbers 60 and 100 can be expressed in the form of (25m – 80) whereas LCM of these two numbers can be expressed in the form of (40n – 20)...
Find the greatest number of 4 digits divisible by 15, 25, 40 and 75.