
The volume of a solid cube is 2197 m3. If whole cube is to be painted at a rate of Rs. 8 per m2, then what will be the cost of painting the cube?

A Rs. 8112 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
B Rs. 8102 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
C Rs. 8012 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
D Rs. 8100 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


Let the edge length of the cube = ‘a’ metres Then, volume of the cube = a3 = 2197 So, a = 2197(1/3) = 13 So, total surface area of the cube = 6a2 = 6 × 132 = 1014 m2 So, cost of painting the cube = 1014 × 8 = Rs. 8112

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