Foramen Magnum is an aperture of
The foramen magnum (Latin: great hole) is a large oval opening (foramen) in the occipital bone of the skull in humans and various other animals. It is one of the several oval or circular openings (foramina) in the base of the skull.The foramen magnum is a very important feature in bipedal mammals.
First successful transgenic fruit plants are produced in
Which among the following is the largest source of irrigation in India, apart from rains?
The main mode of extension in the ‘farmers first’ model is _____
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) is promoting FPOs under its dedicated funds viz. _______________ towards collectivization o...
In which technology the life of a tomato is enhanced.
What is the Rank of India in Global milk Production?
Pulse crop gown for grain, fodder and green manure is:
Which of the following plant hormone, plays a primary role in allowing K+ to pass rapidly out of guard cells, causing the stomata to close in response t...
Global warming is mainly due to increase in concentration of
Which of its husked dal is used to mix with rice flour for preparation of idli and dosa: