SEBI has restructured its committee on secondary market, which provides suggestions to the capital markets regulator on improving market safety, efficiency and transparency. The 18-member advisory committee will now be chaired by G Mahalingam, former whole time member of SEBI. Apart from Mahalingam, the panel has CEOs of stock exchanges and depositories, representatives of various stakeholders and senior officials of SEBI as members. Earlier, the panel had 17 members and was headed by SEBI chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch. Other members of the panel include Zerodha’s co-founder and chief executive officer (CEO) Nithin Kamath; Dhiraj Relli, MD and CEO of HDFC Securities; Jaideep Hansraj MD at Kotak Securities; Naresh Yadav MD and CEO of SBICAP Securities; and Leo Puri Chairman, JP Morgan, South & Southeast Asia.
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