Union Minister for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME), Narayan Rane announced the establishment of MSME-Technology Centre with an outlay of Rs. 200 Crore, in Sindhudurg. The MSME-Technology Centre will provide the best of technology, incubation as well as advisory support to the industry, especially MSMEs, to enhance their competitiveness and provide skilling services for the employed and unemployed youth of the area to enhance their employability.
(1.69) -1.5 = ?
If (7/5)4 x (7/5)6 = (7/5)(2x+2) then x is equal to
If 2x = 3y = 6-z, then (1/x) + (1/y) + (1/z) =?
The value of ‘x’ in the given below equation is.
0.5 ̅ + 0.7 ̅ + 0.9 ̅ + 0.3 ̅ = x
Find the value of 56× 59÷ 514= ?
If (15000) 4 = 50.625
The value of ((1024)n/5× 42n+1)/( 16n × 4n-1)
(0.04)-2.5= ?