Conservatism principle states that record for the anticipated losses and Expenses. It is also called prudence principle. Example-Provision for Doubtful debt - The debtors have not defaulted yet, but if you are anticipating a default in the future, record it as an expense now. Also, Valuation of Inventory is done at Cost or Net Realizable Value, whichever is less.
Which of the following city of Gujrat 145th annual Rath Yatra festival of Lord Jagannath has started?
Amirkhusrau hailed which city as the "Second Heaven and a great centre of Justice".
Rajasthan's first 'solar lift plant' will be built on which river?
Which Schedule to the Constitution of India specifies allocation of powers and functions between Union and States?
The receipts which neither create any liability nor reduce any asset are called ______.
What is the quorum for Parliament or legislative division?
Which part of Falconidae is used for hunting, defense, and capturing prey?
The United India Patriotic Association was founded by whom?
Who has become India's first 'UNDP Youth Climate Champion'?
In the context of Indian states formation after independence, Operation Polo is associated with which state?