In the evening, a dark and menacing storm quickly gathered. FIRST COMES THE WIND Winds beat against the houses with a speed and fury that Prashant had never witnessed before. DESCRIBING THE FURY - FOLLOWED BY THE RAIN Heavy and incessant rain filled the darkness, ancient trees were uprooted and crashed to the earth. HOUSES OF PEOPLE GOT WASHED AWAY Screams rent the air as people and houses were swiftly washed away. WATER CAME INSIDE THE FRIEND’S HOUSE BUT DID NOT WASH AWAY THE HOUSE AS IT WAS STRONGLY BUILT The angry waters swirled into his friend’s house, neck deep. The building was of brick and mortar and was strong enough to survive the devastation of the wind’s velocity of 350 km per hour.
11.89 × 2.10 × 4.98 × 4.03 ÷ 7.98 of 15.03 = ?
9.8 × 77.9 ÷ (2.3)2= ?
26.23 × 31.82 + 44.8% of 1200 + ? = 1520
15.1 + 3.97 – 9.07 × 1.96 = √?
? = 49.99² ÷ (1.98⁵ + 8.01 × 89.91) + 75.15% of (263.89 × 49.11)
480.11 ÷ 15.98 × 5.14 – 134.9 = √?
(?)2 + 3.113 = 22.92 – 61.03
20.11% of 119.99 + √80.97 ÷ 3.02 = ?
(256.19 ÷ 63.99) 2.05 X (7.99) = 2 ? + 2.05
15.05% of 1599.88 + 29.99 × 12.01 - 420.05 = ?