The correct answer is A
Under KCC, farmers can avail short term loans up to 3 lakh at a simple interest rate of ___ on condition of timely payment.
The KCC facility was extended to fish farmers in the year___
The various developmental works under the watershed development are done by
which ministry under union Government
Who among the following are not eligible for the availing loans under KCC?
Fair and remunerative price (FRP) is the minimum price at which rate sugarcane is to be purchased by sugar mills from farmers. The current FRP for the s...
What is the primary objective of the Kisan Credit Card (KCC) scheme for Animal Husbandry and Fisheries?
What is the objective of the MAHARISHI initiative?
The total budget of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, including Agricultural Education and Research, is about _______this time.
Which government initiative launched the eSARAS mobile App to support marketing of products made by women of Self-help Groups (SHGs)?
The element required by Rhizobium for the formation of leghemoglobin which is involved in nitrogen fixation: