Increase in size and decrease in vigour is not true regarding heterosis as hybrids are generally more vigorous, i.e., healthier and faster growing and larger in size than their parents.
'A' and 'B' are running on a circular track of length 5000 metres. 'A' is running clockwise at 6 m/s while 'B' is running anti-clockwise at 8 m/s. Find ...
A train covers a certain distance at a speed of 72 km/h and the next same distance with a speed of 90 km/h and the next same distance with a speed of 12...
A boy goes to his school at 1/6th of the speed at which he returns from his school. Average speed during the whole trip (i.e. one round) is 24 km/h. Wha...
‘A’ and ‘B’ started moving towards each other at same time with a speed of 27 km/hr and 9 km/hr, respectively. If the distance covered by ‘Aâ€...
A bus covers a certain distance without stopping at an average speed of 50 km/h. But when it covers the distance intermittently. So its average speed is...
A truck covers 320 km in 10 hours with its usual speed. If the speed of the truck had been 8 km/hr more than its usual speed, find the time taken by the...
A train has to cover a distance of 90 km in 15 hours. If it covers half the journey in 4/5th of the time, the speed to cover remaining distance in the t...
The speed of a bike increases by 3 km/hr after every 1 hour. If the distance travelled by the bike in 1st hour is 22 km, the find the total distance tra...
B starts 4 minutes after A from the same point, for a place at a distance of 7 miles from the starting point. A on reaching the destination turns back a...