RBI Assistant to Grade A Promotion Exam Interview Guidance

The RBI Assistant to Grade A Promotion Interview Guidance course, offered by ixamBee, will assist you in becoming interview-ready with the guidance of our experts. Led by esteemed professionals like Dr.Sanjeev Sharma (Ex-CGM, RBI), Susheel Ragade (ex-Manager, RBI), and Chandraprakash Joshi (ex-AGM, RBI), each of whom boasts extensive experience in the Reserve Bank of India, this course ensures comprehensive preparation. Benefit from their insights, strategies, and firsthand knowledge to enhance your interview performance, increasing your chances of success in the RBI Assistant to Grade A Promotion Interview. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to excel in your RBI career journey.

RBI Assistant to Grade A Promotion Exam Interview Guidance course consists of

Why Choose RBI Assistant to Grade A Promotion Exam Interview Guidance Course?

Being an RBI Employee consists of a pro level of hard work and effort. Ever since a student decides to prepare for the RBI, the Assistant and Grade B profiles are the major roles in which an aspirant wants to get into. Thus, this course is 360 degree coverage of the interview preparation for both posts. So instead of separately looking for preparation resources for both posts. Try enrolling yourself in this course to cover the complete syllabus of RBI Assistant and RBI Grade A Exam. This will give you overall guidance that is not specifically customized for any specific post but will make your journey toward being an RBI employee.

How will the Interviews be conducted?

Please note that ixamBee will have the right to record the mock interview or part of it for promotional purposes.