
    In the word ‘INAPPROPRIATE’, first all the opposites

    of each letter are written, then all the letters formed are written in an alphabetical order form, then remove all the repeating letters(ex - two times P is repeating, then we will consider only one P), then how many such pairs of letters are there, each of which have as many letters between them in the word (forward direction) as they have between them in the English alphabetical series?
    A None Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B One Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Two Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Three Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E Four Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    there are three pairs, KL, LM and KM.

    I N A P P R O P R I A T E

    R M Z K K I L K I R Z G V

    G I I K K K L M R R V Z Z

    G I K L M R V Z 

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