No contract is a bond (E) + Some bonds are agreements (I) = Some agreements are not contracts, hence conclusion II will follow. No contract is a bond. (E) ⟹ Some bonds are not contracts. (O) Hence conclusion IV will follow.
The given sentence is divided into four parts. Read the given sentence to find out whether there are any grammatical/contextual errors in it. The error...
All the waste are currently (1)/dumped on either the three landfill sites (2)/present at Delhi, (3)/posing environmental and health hazard (4)/for the s...
1. Spreading rock dust on half the farmland in the U.S. would cost $176pertonof carbon and $225 annual per American.
2. That’s pricey compared ...
The Modi government had earlier (A)/refuses to hold bilateral talks on (B)/any issue other than the boundary (C).
I need a much (A) / highest ladder to (B) / climb on the roof (C)/ and grab all the stuff. (D) / No error (E).
During the summer vacation, we plan to visit several cities / to explore their rich history / and learning about / their cultural heritage.
...Rise in the water level in the village and adjoining areas has laid to waterlogging and destruction of standing crops in the village.
Parts of the given sentence have been given as options. One of them contains a grammatical error. Select the option that has the error.
India has...
The Army too opposed the embankment, saying it will pose hurdles for their forward movements during military operations.
Half of the bottom two quintiles go into debt or sell their assets, but only third of the top quintiles do.