1. L live in flat P of either floor 2 or floor 4. 2. S lives on a floor that is immediately above the floor of Q. 3. S and O live in the same type of flat. L and P lives in same flat. 4. There is one floor between the floors of S and O. So, S lives in either flat P or flat Q. Case 1: When L lives on 2nd floor. Q cannot be placed in this case, so this case is not possible 6. T lives above K. M doesn’t live in flat Q. R and T don't live in same type of flat. So, T must live in flat Q which implies that R lives in flat P and thus M lives in flat P and K lives in Flat Q on 3rd floor. The final arrangement is as follows:
‘VISA’ के लिए हिन्दी पारिभाषिक शब्द है
' जो तोला मापा जा सके के लिए निम्नलिखित में से कौनसा शब्...
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वसुदेव के पुत्र
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पदबंध का शाब्दिक अर्थ बताइए ।