Instrumentation engineer Zishan visits alone on Tuesday. Rohit visits on Friday and he is not electrical engineer. Pramesh visits on Saturday with civil engineer. Kanika visits on Friday. The mechatronics engineer visits on Saturday. Therefore, Pramesh is mechatronics engineer. Electrical engineer does not visit on Sunday neither with Deeksha nor with Himanshu. Electrical engineer visits with the Electronics engineer. Himanshu is not civil engineer. Rahul is neither Mechanical nor Civil engineer. So, the only left Deeksha is civil engineer. Rahul is neither mechanical nor civil engineer; hence, he should be the programmer.
Which of the following is not matched correctly?
ARIS was initiated in the year
Which of the following is a hexaploid species of wheat?
Milling is the process wherein the rice grain is transformed into a form suitable for human consumption. Which part of rice grain is removed in milling?
The reinforcement of innovation decision making occurs at
Marketing efficiency is essentially the degree of market performance. It is defined as:
Water which is held by forces of surface tension as continuous film around soil particles and is available to plants is known as
Which of the following statement is false?
Which nematode is known as cyst nematode?
Vertical integration is most common in which of the following agricultural enterprises: