Solution : From Input to step I: The first, third and seventh words interchange their positions with the second, sixth and eighth words respectively. The fourth and the fifth words remain at their original positions. From step I to step II: The second, fourth and sixth words interchange their positions with the third, fifth and seventh words respectively. The first and last words remain at their original positions. From step II to step III: The third and fifth words interchange their positions with the fourth and sixth words respectively. Remaining words retain their original positions. From step III to step IV: The first, fourth and seventh words interchange their positions with the second, fifth and eighth words respectively. The third and the sixth words remain at their original positions. From steps IV to step V: Same as from input to step I. These steps are repeated thereafter. For convenience, we plot the movement of each word in each step by the numbers assigned to them in the input : Banks - 1, can - 2, be – 3, broadly – 4, classified – 5, under – 6, two– 7, heads. – 8.
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2 अक्टूगबर केा महात्मा गांधी के अतिरिक्त किस मषहूर व्यक्त...
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