
In the word ‘FASHIONABLE’, all the letters, which appear before M as per English alphabetical order, are replaced with second succeeding letter and all the letters which appear after M are replaced with third preceding consonant as per English alphabetical order. In the word thus formed, the letters which appear more than once are removed. Which among the following is the fourth letter from the left end of the word thus formed?

A L Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
B N Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
C G Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
D P Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
E H Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


F          A         S         H         I           O         N         A         B         L          E H         C         P         J          K         L          K         C         D         N         G H         P         J          L          D         N         G L is the fourth letter from the left end.

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