The positions of the first and the fourth letters of the word FOLDER are interchanged; similarly, the positions of the second and fifth letters and third and sixth letters are interchanged. In the new arrangement thus formed, how many letters are there between the letter which is third from the right and the letter which is second from the left according to the English alphabet?
After rearrangement: DERFOL 3rd letter from right = F 2nd letter from left = E No letter between E and F in english alphabet.
In each of the following questions, three out of four words given have the same meaning. Mark the number as your answer which is different in meaning fr...
A) Horrible B) Horizontal C) Hostile D) Friendly
choose the option which represents a pair of either synonyms or antonyms.
Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
A child born after his or her father’s death
Person who finds it difficult to go to sleep
A) Cavort
B) Caucus
C) Conclave
D) Accretion