Which of the following statement is not true for sub soiling in case of sugarcane?
What is the name of the shaft responsible for raising and lowering the inlet and exhaust valves at the proper time in an engine?
Which of the following is a technology-based program that was implemented to ensure a direct technological connection between laboratories and the agric...
The National Academy of Agricultural Research Management is situated at:
Which recommendation proposed effective administrative decentralization through elected local self-government bodies?
Inbreeding or consanguineous mating is mating between individuals related by ………………..
Which one of the following project was started in the year 1948?
The presence of certain toxic compounds in seeds can lead to severe health issues if ingested. Which alkaloid, found in the seeds of Argemone mexicana, ...
Sand dunes are commonly seen in:
There are five stages of adoption, which of the following is not the stage of adoption?