
Train S leaves place B travelling at a speed of 350 kmph. 4 hours later another train T leaves from the same place travelling in same direction as train S. Train T will be 72 km ahead of train S in ‘x’ hours and speed of train T is 400 kmph, then find a bus travel at what distance in (T + 6.6) hr, if speed of bus is 50% of speed of train S?

A 2975 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
B 2052 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
C 5824 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
D 2808 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
E 6307 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


Relative speed of both trains = (400 – 350) = 50 kmph
Distance covered by train S from place B when train T was not moving = 350 × 4 = 1400 km
Train T should cover (1400 + 72) km from place B in ‘x’ hrs,
Required time,
x = 1472/50 = 29.44 hr
Bus speed = 350 × 50/100 = 175 km/hr
Bus covered in (T + 6.6) hours = (29.44 + 6.6) × 175 = 6307 km

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