The pattern of the above series is as follows, + 6, × 6, + 5, × 5, + 4 Therefore, the second line series can be obtained on the basis of the same pattern, as: 6, a = 6 + 6, b = 12 × 6, c = 72 + 5,…… Hence, the value of c is 77.
Which statement is not correct about Law of Demand?
Which among the following is highly irrigation sensitive crop?
Which country is the largest producer of Mango in the world?
A photosynthetic unit consists:
Under agroforestry system, ____________ tree shows allelopathic effect on cultivated crops.
What will be the error degree of freedom for testing 5 varieties of wheat in Latin Square Design?
In which ecological category do weeds with a tender, semi-aquatic habit that can thrive in waterlogged and partially dry conditions belong?
Which species of wheat is not grown in India?
In which planting system 4 plants are planted in a square in which plant to plant and grow to grow distance is same and plants are planted to right angl...
At what stageBagradahilarisattacks mustard crop