5 squares on a chessboard can be chosen in 64C5 ways Three squares of one colour and two squares of different colour can be chosen in two mutually exclusive ways (i) 3 white and 2 black (ii) 3 black and 2 white Thus, the favourable number of cases = 32C3 × 32C2 + 32C2 × 32C3 = 2 × 32C2 × 32C3 Required Probability = 2 × 32C2 × 32C3 / 64C5
Under IPC, where no sum is expressed to which a fine may extend, the amount of fine to which the offender is liable
The seller is entitled to rents and profits from the property until_______?
...The Sale of Goods Act. 1930 is based on:
In which of the following case the supreme court has declared S. 303 of IPC as unconstitutional?
To set aside a sale by a Civil or Revenue Court the period of limitation as per provisions of Limitation Act 1963 to file suit is:
Which of the following is a valid mode of dissolution of a Partnership?
The maximum sentence of imprisonment a Chief Judicial Magistrate can impose is:
What is the age of retirement of a Supreme Court judge?
Provisions relating to inter-pleader suit are contained in ……..of CPC
When there are several defendants, service of summons shall be made _____________.