For 4 digit numbers greater than 5000, at thousands’ place, only 5, 7, 8 & 9 can be placed and remaining 4 digits can be placed in at remaining three places = (4) × 4 x 3 ×2 = 96
Which among the following word cannot be formed using the letters of the given word only once?
Statements: U > H < Y > S = B ≥ Z > F ≥ Q
I: Z < Y
II: B > Q
Which among the following words can be formed using the letters of the given word only once?
How many meaningful English words can be formed using B, E, O and R using each letter only once in each word?
Find which one of the given words cannot be made from the letters of the given word ‘ PRONOUNCIATION ’ .
...How many meaningful words (more than 3 letters) can be formed using the letters of the given word 'DESIGNATION' ?
Which of the following word cannot be formed by using the letters of word ‘STRATOSPHERE’?
Which among the following words cannot be formed using the letters of the given word only once?
Which can be formed by using the letters of the given word.
In the following question, a group of letters is given which are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Below are given four alternatives containing combinatio...