P, Q and R enter into a partnership by investing Rs.6500, Rs.7500 and Rs.6800 respectively. After 4 months, P invested Rs.1200 more and Q withdraw the whole amount. And after another 5 months, R withdraws Rs.1200 and at the same time Q enters into a partnership by investing Rs.16,000. Find the difference between the shares of P and R, if the total profit at the end of the year is Rs.109620?
The shares of P, Q and R is [6500 ×4 + 7700 ×8] : [7500 ×4 + 16000 ×3] : [6800 ×9 + 5600 ×3] 87600 : 78000 : 78000 219 : 195 : 195 The difference between the shares of P and R = (219 – 195) × 109620/ 609 = Rs.4320
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