Kiran and Vishal invested Rs 4200 and Rs.x in a business. After 3 months, Kiran added Rs 600 while Vishal withdrew Rs 300. After a year out of a total profit of Rs.47,180, Vishal received Rs 21,140. Find the amount invested by Vishal at the starting of business?
Ratio of shares of Kiran and Vishal = 4200 × 3 + 4800 × 9 : x × 3 + (x - 300) × 9 = 55800 : (12x - 2700) So, (12x - 2700)/(55800 + 12x - 2700) × 47180 = 21140 x = Rs.4000
The ratio of age of A and B after 8 years is 4:5 respectively. The ratio of age of A and C 6 years ago is 3:4 respectively. If the present average age o...
The ratio of the present age of A to that of B is 7:9. Six years ago the ratio of 1/3 of A’s age at that time and 1/3 of B’s age at that time was 1:...
Present ages of P and Q are in the ratio 3:7 respectively. If Q’s age, 10 years hence from now will be 5 times of P’s age, 6 years ago from now, the...
The current age of Jerry is three times that of Kim. 4 years from now, Jerry's age will be 2.5 times the age of Leo at that time. If Kim is 4 years youn...
The ages of A, B and C are in the ratio 5:6:8 and the sum of their ages is 76. Find the ratio of 10 years ago B’s age to C’s age after 10 years.
...The average of the present ages of A, B, C and D is (y-3) years. 12 years hence, the ratio between the ages of A and C is 9:8 respectively. Th...
The difference between the present ages of a mother and her son is 32 years. Six years ago, the mother was 4 years younger than twice the present age of...
Currently, Shweta and Rajni's ages are in the ratio of 5:4. Five years from now, the ages of Priya and Rajni will have a ratio of 7:5. Gautam is 10 year...
A is 3 years older than B while C is 4 years younger than B. The ratio of age of A, 6 years hence and age of B, 4 years ago is 3:2. What was age of C, 1...