Interest for Seeta = (8000×15×1)/100 = 1200 Interest for Geeta = (10000×15×1)/100 = 1500 Interest for Reeta = (12000×15×1)/100 = 1800 Total interest of (Seeta + Geeta + Reeta) = (1200+1500+1800) = 4500 Remaining profit = (5925-4500) = 1425 According to the question, (4+5+6) units = 1425 15 units = 1425 1 unit = 95 Share of Reeta in remaining profit = 95 × 6 = 570 Total share of Reeta = 570+1800 = 2370
"I'm afraid I can't ___________ to the party, I have to work."
Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
No wonder the burglars are at large. The police is in ______ with them.
Which preposition can fill in the following sentence?
Have you ever been to a concert _____ your favorite band?
Choose the best way to complete these passive voice sentence
The road ______
Last week, North Korea's Army said it would _______________all roads and railways connected to South Korea and ________________border areas, according t...
He is the ____________ of my two brothers.
She was frail and sickly and looked more _______ a hairless rat than _________ human being.
Each question below has one blank, which is indicating that something has been omitted. Find out which option can be used to fill up the blank in the s...
In the following questions, a sentence is given with two blanks. Identify the correct pair of words that fit in the sentence to make it grammat...
You should arrive early to _____ your surroundings.