
The ratio between two numbers is 2:3 and the sum of their squares is 2197. The numbers are:

A 26 and 39 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
B 15 and 20 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
C 26 and 42 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
D 36 and 48 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


Let the first number be 2x & other number be 3x
Square of first number = (2x)2= 4x2 & Square of other number = (3x)2= 9x2
According to question,
Sum of the both numbers = 2197
So, 4x2 + 9x2 = 2197
13x2 = 2197
x2= 169
x = 169 = 13
Hence, First number 2x = 2× 13 = 26 & Other number 3x = 3× 13 = 39.

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