30 162 344 ? 890 1270
30 + 112 + 11 = 162 162 + 132 + 13 = 344 344 + 152 + 15= 584 584 + 172 + 17=890 890 + 192 + 19 = 1270
How many FAO/WHO Coordinating Committees are there?
According to section 96 of the Companies Act the annual general meeting of an unlisted company may be held at any place in India if ________________
The Registrar may, for any special reason, extend the time within which any annual general meeting, other than the first annual general meeting, shall b...
The provision governing counter claim is covered under which of the following orders of CPC?
When a person asserts any fact before the court which gives rise to any legal right or liability, the burden of proof lies on__________?
According to CrPC the right of an arrested person to meet an advocate of his choice is ______________
Every prior party to a negotiable instrument is liable thereon to a holder in due course
In a Criminal proceeding against any person, husband and wife of such person are _____________
Which of the following is correct relating to the licensing of the banking companies?
Fee on memorandum appeal against order relating to compensation is provided under: