
    In case of breakdown of constitutional machinery in a

    State, report is submitted to the President by the _________.
    A Governor. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B State legislative assembly. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Nobody, President himself takes cognizance. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Council of ministers of the State. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E Cabinet ministers of the State. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Art. 356. Provisions in case of failure of constitutional machinery in States.—( 1) If the President, on receipt of a report from the Governor   State or otherwise, is satisfied that a situation has arisen in which the Government of the State cannot be carried on in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution, the President may by Proclamation (a) assume to himself all or any of the functions of the Government of the State and all or any of the powers vested in or exercisable by the Governor any body or authority in the State other than the Legislature of the State; (b) declare that the powers of the Legislature of the State shall be exercisable by or under the authority of Parliament; (c) make such incidental and consequential provisions as appear to the President to be necessary or desirable for giving effect to the objects of the Proclamation, including provisions for suspending in whole or in part the operation of any provisions of this Constitution relating to any body or authority in the State: Provided that nothing in this clause shall authorise the President to assume to himself any of the powers vested in or exercisable by a High Court, or to suspend in whole or in part the operation of any provision of this Constitution relating to High Courts.

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