Quantitative Risk Assessment - A risk assessment that provides numerical expressions of risk and indication of the attendant uncertainties (stated in the 1995 Expert Consultation definition on Risk Analysis). Qualitative Risk Assessment - A risk assessment based on data which, while forming an inadequate basis for numerical risk estimations, nonetheless, when conditioned by prior expert knowledge and identification of attendant uncertainties permits risk ranking or separation into descriptive categories of risk.
Statements: E * M, M # N, N $ K
Conclusions: a) E * N b) M $ K
A ≥ Z > B ≥ Y; C > B ≥ W
I. A > W
II. C > Y
Statements: M * T, D % T, D # K, K $ R
Conclusions: I. M * D II. T # K II...
Statements: V > R ≥ W < Z; X ≤ W; U < R ≤ Y
I. X < Z
II. W < Y
III. Z > U
Statements: Y ≤ A = F; H > T; H < V < F; Y ≤ W < R
I. Y < V
II. T < A
III. W > H
Statement: Y < Z > I < Q > S = M ≤ N
I. S= N
II. Q > M
Statements: L ≥ M > N, P > N, T = O ≥ N
I. T > P
II. L > N
Statement: C < P > T = E < R; G > R > A < D
I. T < G
II. G ≥ P
III. T > A
Which of the following letters should be placed in the blank spaces respectively (in the same order from left to right) to complete the given expression...
Statements: P % Q, Q & R, R @ S, S # T
Conclusions: I. T & R II. P # S