
    The case of Nallajerla Krishnayya v. Vuppala Raghavulr

    discusses on the following subject:
    A Mortgagee shall be entitled to new lease Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Test for deciding purpose of a property allotted to a widow. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Once a mortgage is always a mortgage. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Rights of maintenance. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    In Nallajerla Krishnayya v. Vuppala Raghavulr (A.I.R. 1958 A.P. 658) it has been held that the test for deciding whether the property allotted to a widow or to some other persons for maintenance or for any other purpose comes within the ambit of Section 6(d) or not is whether the deed conferred any right against the properties comprised therein or whether the intention was to give her for her maintenance a personal right to appropriate the profits in the property assigned to her. The answer to this question depends upon the facts of each case and the interpretation of the relevant document

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