Match the following Passes on LIST 1 and LIST 2 (wrt LIST A)
1) Burzil and Zojila – 1. Uttarakhand
2) Bara lacha la and Shipki la – 2. Sikkim
3) Thagla, lipulekh and Nitila – 3. Himachal Pradesh
4) Nathula and Jelepla – 4. Jammu and Kashmir
The correct answer is B
Highest milk yielding cow breed
Anti-transpirant, which reflects the radiation and reduce the leaf temperature is:
Lumpi-Pro VacInd, a vaccine for Lumpy disease of cattle has been developed by ____
Which color sticky traps are used for aphids and white fly?
National Goat Research Institute is located at -
Strip Cup test is used for identifying which disease ?
The etiology of H.S. disease in animal is -
The maximum amount of fat is present in which breed of buffalo ?
'Rut or Mast' is present in which species of animal ?
Milk fever is a type of disease-