THE PAYMENT AND SETTLEMENT SYSTEMS ACT, 2007 empowers RBI for regulation and supervision of payment systems in India
In the following questions, each sentence has two blanks. Choose the appropriate set of words for the blanks that best fits in the context of the sente...
Educate your children and let them learn to live with ________.
(A) elevation (B) dignity (C) respect ...
I. Under the Digital Services Act, tech companies will be _____________ to limit the use of personal data for targeted advertising based on ethnicity,...
1) tremendously
2) high
3) lowly
4) downwardly
5) tensed
Google is wooing some of the world’s hottest start-ups to sell its cloud computing technology. These include ventures that send satellites into th...
Fill in the blank with the correct option. I _ in Hyderabad.
The main reason for the breakup of the organisation was the lack of a tough ________.
The journalists have _________ that spying has caused serious _________ on the rights to free speech and privacy.
I have been really busy last month. I want to ________ some good time with my friends and family.
Given below sentence with one blank. Below sentence are given four words among which one word might fill the blank. If none of the words fill the blank...