
A train covers a distance of 72 km at the speed of 48 km/h the next 69 km distance covers with a speed of 46 km/h and last 54 km with the speed of 72 km/h find the average speed of the train?

A 59.75 km/hr Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
B 41 km/hr Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
C 52 km/hr Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
D 45.9 km/hr Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


Since the train covers different distance with different speeds. So, Average speed = Total Distance/Total Time Total distance = 72 + 69 + 54 = 195 km Time1 = 72/48, Time2 = 69/46 & Time3 = 54/72 Total Time = 72/48 + 69/46 + 54/72 Therefore, Average Speed = 195/(72/48 + 69/46 + 54/72) = 52 km/hr

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