Due to miserable failure of the Third Plan the government was forced to declare "plan holidays" (from 1966–67, 1967–68, and 1968–69). Three annual plans were drawn during this intervening period. During 1966–67 there was again the problem of drought. Equal priority was given to agriculture, its allied activities, and industrial sector. The government of India declared "Devaluation of Rupee" to increase the exports of the country. The main reasons for plan holidays were the war, lack of resources, and increase in inflation after that plan holiday was created. The Eighth Plan could not take off in 1990 due to the fast-changing political situation at the centre and the years 1990–91 and 1991–92 were treated as Annual Plans. The Eighth Plan was finally formulated for the period 1992–1997.
HD 2329 is a variety of:
Varalaxmi is a hybrid developed in
Small plant may suffer from deficient oxygen when covered with densely packed snow due to which of the following condition?
Proteins that serve as ion channels are always ______ membrane proteins.
Late blight and early blight of tomato is caused by which organism?
Black soil is use for the cultivation of
What does the term "bioenergetics" refer to in the context of ecosystems?
Which crop does Striga primarily parasitize as a root parasite?
Anguina tritici causes:
Which agency is responsible for implementing the Agricultural Export Policy in India?