For 2016-17 the GDP at constant market price is estimated to be?
For 2016-17 the GDP at current Market price is estimated to be 7.1%
117, 117, 121, 129, 141, ?
10, 20, 60, 300, ?, 23100
100, 120, 260, ?, 3220, 16120
25 54 ? 228 460 924
... -1, 5, 23, 59, ?
What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series?
15, 16, 25, 50, 99, 180, ?
14 6 4 4 ? 48
...251, 130, 274, ?, 301, 76
1 1 4 ? 280 3640
...120, 136, 111, 147, ?, 162