Fill in the Blanks:
Appointment of Finance Commission is done by President under ______________, and ________ commissions have been setup by now.
The correct answer is B
In which crop and year was the first All India Co-ordinated Research Project set up in India with the assistance of Rockefeller Foundation of the USA?
A neem product used as insect repellent is:
Plant Cell wall are mainly made up of?
The cone bearing gymnosperms come under
Which of the following is an external, material and non-transferable good?
Dapog method of nursery raising is followed in
Yellow vein mosaic disease of okra is a viral disease.
Which of the following insects spreads the disease?
One kilogram of nitrogen is equivalent to which of the following quantity of urea?
Which pest of sugarcane is characterized by the symptom of internodes becoming constricted and shortened with multiple boreholes and frass in the nodal ...
Ooze test is used for the detection of ___