Education is a major component of well-being and is used in the measure of economic development and quality of life, which is a key factor determining whether a country is a developed, developing, or underdeveloped nation. Education index EI is calculated from "Expected years of schooling" EYS (Number of years a child of school entrance age can expect to spend in a given level of education) and "Mean years of schooling" MYS (Average number of completed years of education of a population [25 years and older]).
Propodeum is found in the insect belonging to the sub-order:
Elytra are the modified, hardened front wings of _____
Which of the following is correctly matched ?
Larvae of _____________ causes damage in redgram by webbing together flowers, pods and leaves with frass often on pods and shoot tips.
Which of the following pair is not correct?
This Chemical known as “Apple Factor” which is released by Malus sp. and acts as an attractant to Aphis pomi is:
“Clipping” the tips of the rice seedling before transplanting reduces the infestation of __________
What is the term used to describe the level of population density at which control measures should be implemented to prevent a rising pest population fr...
Insects are classified into the phylum_______.
Which silkworm feedw on castor tree