The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is a 2010 United States federal law to enforce the requirement for United States persons including those living outside the U.S. India has signed an agreement called the Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) with the US last year for automated exchange of information between the two countries. This initiative is for improving the International Tax Compliance and implementing the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).
Which of the following product is in Second Schedule of APEDA Act
The Scientific Panels and Scientific Committee provide the scientific opinion and assist Food
Authority in development of standards through a w...
Which of the following method has highest water use efficiency?
What is the full form of RUCO?
How much area in percentage is covered under storage in rural go down?
What is the average gestation period of buffalo
The disease involves rotting of roots, bronzing of leaves, poor growth at the reproductive phase and poor yield disease in rice is due to toxicity of
Three way cross is a cross between
Indian Council of Agricultural Research was established in the year
The Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries Research (DCFR) is located at___ and was formerly known as NRCCWF.