SEBI is the regulator for the Indian Corporate Debt Market. SEBI controls bond market and corporate debt market in cases where entities raise money from public through public issues. It regulates the manner in which such moneys are raised and tries to ensure a fair play for the retail investor. It forces the issuer to make the retail investor aware, of the risks inherent in the investment, by way and its disclosure norms. SEBI is also a regulator for the Mutual Funds. SEBI also regulates the investments of debt FIIs.
Feelings of guilt or regret
The lovely main
P- bars and restaurants.
Q- coffee houses,
R- street is packed with
Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
Each bite is a burst of flavors _____________ enjoy your snack Options:
The complete loss or absence of hope
Hate the seven deadly sins.
1) Monochlonal
2) Binge
3) Qeuries
4) Potfolios
The old man has been cheated by the seller.
1) Pictureque
2) Costomary
3) Descendant
4) Benovolent
This holiday season,
P- 51 million passengers will make
Q- their festive destinations on U.S. airlines
R- their way to the airport to fly to