Rajasthan has emerged as the top beneficiary among states under the Atmanirbhar Bharat Rojgar Yojana (ABRY) launched to boost formal employment. According to the data provided by the Minsitry of Labour and Employment, 20.4 percent formal workers in Rajasthan benefited from the scheme until June,2022 this year, followed by Gujarat (14.9 per cent) and Uttar Pradesh (14.15 per cent). However, in terms of the total number of beneficiaries under the scheme, Maharashtra (960,000) topped the charts, followed by Tamil Nadu (800,000) and Gujarat (640,000). Rajasthan (29.3 per cent) has also topped in employment generation under the Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana as percentage of total EPF subscriber base, closely followed by Haryana (29.2 per cent) and Uttar Pradesh (28.3 per cent).
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Central Dogma is