Recently government has signed an agreement with which country to provide the technology to manufacture chips of 28 nanometres and above, for which the user has to pay a royalty?
Chip-making technology- The government has signed an agreement with Belgium-based research and innovation hub, Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre (IMEC), which will provide the technology to manufacture chips of 28 nanometres and above, for which the user has to pay a royalty. IMEC Headquarters: Leuven, Belgium CEO: Luc Van den hove
Statements: M > Q ≥ U = O, S = U < R ≤ T
Conclusions :I. M < R
II. T > O
III. Q ≥ T
...Statements: C = A ≤ H < K ≥ L = Q; S = T ≥ K
Conclusion: I. C < T II. A = S
...Statements: M = N; A < C < E; N > A
I. E > N
II. M > C
In the question, assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the conclusion (s) among given two conclusions is /are definitely true and the...
Statements: A @ D % M % N; M $ P $ Q
Conclusions : I. D % Q I...
Which of the following symbols respectively should replace the question marks in order to make the expression V ≥ M and X ≤ H definitely true?
...Statements: V ≤R = W ≥ Q, U = T ≥ S < X, U < Q
Conclusions: I. V < Q II. Q > X
In the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the conclusion among given conclusions is/are definitely true and the...
Statements: J & K, K # L, L $ X, X @ M
Conclusions: I. X $ K II. X & K
...Statements: Z > X = Y ≥ W; S ≥ I ≤ Q = Z
I. W < Q
II. S ≥ Y
III. Y < S