Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde announced that the popular entertainment event of “ Dahi Handi ” would be officially recognised under the state ’ s sports category . Maharashtra would introduce the discipline “ Pro Dahi Handi ” and “ Govindas ” who participated in the tournament would get jobs under the sport Maharashtras quota . Govenrment will provide an insurance cover of Rs 10 lakh for the Govindas . About Maharshtra Capital : Mumbai Chief Minister : Eknath Shinde Governor : Bhagat Singh Koshyari
Pusa Drumhead is a variety of ____ crop.
High Water Use Efficiency (WUE)
Which is an example of a false fruit, formed from parts other than the ovary wall?
Maximum production of which fruit in India ?
Sinduri is variety of -
Which of the following below listed statement is correct regarding the Post Harvest Management?
L-49 also known as Sardar is a selection from which variety of guava?
Fanging is related to ____
Where are Casparian strips located?
Angle formed by attached of a branch to the trunk