Due to shortcomings in regulatory compliance, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) fined Federal Bank Rs 5.72 crore. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) (financial services provided by banks) Directions, 2016 has strict penalties for violations.
386.99 + 397.99 + ? - 232.02 = 35.02 × 31.99
(9/20 of 3998.93) - √2499.57 + (17.87% of 1199.67) = ?
? = 28.04² ÷ (4.01⁵ + 9.89 × 20.20) + 84.56% of (198.76 × 30.03)
24.75% of 639.87 + (299.98 ÷ 2.5) = ?2 + 24.18
? = 782.24 + 1243.97 – 19.992
?2/3 = 33.33% of 107.99 + 45.45
31.98% of 224.99 = 24.98% of ? + 9.91% of 499.99
[{(√785) % of 449.85}/(35.89 × 7.14 + 849.89 ÷ 5.12 + 199.78% of 41.09)] = ( 1/? )
18.22 × 7.99 + 156.15 = ?