The India Semiconductor Mission programme was launched in 2021 with a total financial outlay of Rs76,000 crores under the aegis of the Ministry of Electronics and IT (MeitY). It is part of the comprehensive program for the development of sustainable semiconductor and display ecosystem in the country. Elest, a subsidiary of gold retailer Rajesh Exports, will be setting up the country's first Display FAB facility in Telangana to manufacture the most advanced AMOLED displays, with an investment of Rs 24,000 crore, making it one of the largest investments in high-tech manufacturing sector in India. The Telangana government signed an MoU with Karnataka-based Elest for the proposed fabrication unit which will manufacture next generation displays for smartphones, tablet computers, and laptops. Elest, incorporated by the promoters of Rajesh Exports, a global Fortune 500 company, would be setting up the Display FAB in technological association and with technology inputs from some of the most advanced and finest research centres across the world. With the announcement of this investment, Telangana emerges as a front-runner in the semiconductor and display fab sector. The display fab would be set up under the of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India.
Eminent Legendary Guru of _______ Birju Maharaj passed away recently.
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1. Credit Guarantee Trust for Micro and Sma...
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