The 44th Chess Olympiad, which was moved out of Russia after it invaded Ukraine, will be organised in Chennai later this year. The All-India Chess Federation (AICF) had submitted a guarantee of USD10 million (approx Rs 70 crore) to FIDE to host the tournament. The Chess Olympiad is a biennial team event in which teams from some 190 countries compete over a two-week period.
The star-shaped temples were built during the reign of:
NEO resides in the vicinity of the Earth near 1.0 AU that is the mean distance between Earth and the Sun. What does E stand for in NEO?
Which of the following village is declared to be India’s first 24*7 solar powered village?
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According to the The Right to Education Act, what is the minimum age for a child to be in Grade-I (Class 1)?
Which of the following agreements was signed to regulate the international monetary and financial order after the conclusion of World War II?
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In a group of students, the number of girls is three-fourth of the number of boys. If two-third of the number of girls and one-half of the number of boy...
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Linthoi Chanambam is associated with which of the following sports events?